Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why can't you buy brazil nuts in their shells any more?

This was asked recently. In the USA there has not been a problem getting them, but I found out that in Europe the import of them was restricted recently because of a fungus that was found on the shells. I thought the restriction had been lifted but maybe not. The fungus is apparently thought to cause cancer.

Why can't you buy brazil nuts in their shells any more?
Diamond as Esmereld stated , i bought some for a cheese ball
Reply:'Cos shells aren't considered very hygienic these days, they just put them all in straight-jackets instead! ;)
Reply:It's because they're a pain in the @ss to crack open.
Reply:A grocery store or even the warehouse mega stores only stock what the consumers buy..

but online look here...


Reply:I just bought some before Christmas that were still in their shell - Diamond brand. I only really ever see them around the holidays, though.

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