Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why are chicken egg shells different colours, but the eggs all taste the Same?

I,ve recently started keeping chickens !"

Why are chicken egg shells different colours, but the eggs all taste the Same?

All eggs are initially white, and shell colour is the result of the pigments called porphyrins being deposited while the eggs are in the process of formation. In the case of the Rhode Island Red, the brown pigment protoporphyrin, derived from haemoglobin in the blood, is what gives the shell its light brown colour.

The Araucana produces a pigment called oocyanin, which is a product of bile formation, and results in blue or bluish-green eggs. Interestingly, the colour goes right through the shell, making the eggs difficult to candle during incubation. This factor is also an indication of the relative purity of the stock in relation to original Araucanas. The original shell colour of Araucana eggs is blue, but a variety of colours have been produced by crossing Araucanas with other breeds, as follows

Hope this answers your question.
Reply:i wanted to know too and this is what i found.

Shell colour or comes from pigments in the outer layer of the shell. Shell colour or is primarily a breed characteristic, although there is often variation among individual hens in a particular flock even when all are of the same breed and variety. Egg shells of commercial breeds of chickens are white or brown. Breeds with white earlobes ordinarily lay white eggs while breeds with red earlobes ordinarily lay brown eggs. White eggs are most in demand among American buyers. In some parts of the country, however, particularly in New England, brown shells are preferred. The Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire and Plymouth Rock are breeds that lay brown eggs. Since brown-egg layers are slightly larger birds and require more food, brown eggs are usually more expensive than white. While darker coloured brown eggs tend to have thicker shells, shell col or has nothing to do with egg quality, flavor, nutritive value, or cooking characteristics.
Reply:That's a very good question, I don't know the answer to that one either. But, I have 2 white chickens (don't know a name for them) that lays white eggs. I also have 2 Easter chickens, one lays a very small green egg, almost a mint green. The other one lays a little bit bigger egg that is kind of an olive green. It's like having Easter every morning! The grandkids love it.

The egg yolks taste a little bit stronger than the white eggs. But, other than that they are pretty much the same.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Good Luck with yours.
Reply:White chickens lay white eggs, brown chickens lay brown eggs, and araucana chickens lay colorful eggs. It's just in their genetics.

Taste varies depending on the kind of chicken you have.

White chicken eggs taste different from araucana eggs, even though it's subtle.

But if you have all the same breed of chicken, it's just part of the genetic makeup.
Reply:If you were talking to my mother, she would tell you they all have different tastes. My mom is convinced that brown eggs taste different than the white ones. Personally, I can't tell the difference expect between those that are from the store and fresh eggs.

As for different colors. Well... Maybe so the mom's can tell them apart. Not sure why. It's kind of fun though when you have different colored ones, kinda like easter!
Reply:I keep hens and some eggs from some breeds do taste different to others. I have marans who lay very dark brown eggs and I believe these are the tastiest in comparison to my blackrocks, bluebelles and warren. They're all tasty but I can tell the difference in flavour.

It's not true that white hens lay white eggs. The Light Sussex hen (a white bird) lays pale brown eggs.
Reply:the colour of the shell is diff becuz it is layed by diff hens...............the taste is same cuz it is layed by the whole of hens generation....n not by ducks or anythin its only layed by hens.....
Reply:I know that its true that they are the same on the inside but I would still prefer (given the choice) a brown egg .... fresh eggs are wonderful and full of flavour chucks make great pets eh
Reply:Chickens are like people. If your black you have black children. If your white you have white children.
Reply:that's like saying why do we all have different colour skin?
Reply:different breed of chicken
Reply:It all depends on what the chicken get fed.
Reply:So that the mother hens won't get bored.

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