Monday, January 30, 2012

What is considered proper etiquette regarding sunflower seed shells?

Keep them in your napkin so others can't see the shells. And avoid putting the shells in your mouth or putting your fingers in your mouth.

What is considered proper etiquette regarding sunflower seed shells?
I think...

if you pick up one,

crack it open with your front teeth,

then remove the edible seed, place that into your mouth,

discard the shell into a disposable napkin,

No one will think the worst.
Reply:Eating them all alone in the privacy of your own home/room.......I've never figured out a way to graciously eat sunflower seeds in public........but whatever you do, DON'T spit the shells on the ground or floor. Stick them in your pocket if you have to, but keep those shells out of sight.
Reply:Proper in my mind would be to open them with your fingers, toss them in the garbage. Simple and common sense, right?

Obviously not to everyone. I see people spitting them out of their mouths right onto the ground where everyone walks.


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