Saturday, January 21, 2012

We brought some sand, water and shells home from Florida. What can we use for a good display?

We brought it home in glass jars but I assume it will eventually evaporate. What can we put it in?

We brought some sand, water and shells home from Florida. What can we use for a good display?
I live in Florida and I have many sand and shell displays around my apt. I recommend just using several small clear bowls and putting sand in the bottom then arranging the shells on top. Little groups of bowls look really cute together. As for the water, you should probably throw it away. It probably has bacteria and all kinds of bad stuff in it. I don't know of any way to save it without it evaporating. also lots of really good ideas for shell decorating on the net. For my shells I always spray them with a clear varnish or protectant, it makes the colors pop, you can't put them in a fishtank after you spray them though. Good luck!
Reply:you could keep it in a jar, put it in a fish tank, or if its dried out you can glue the sand to a peice of paer and put them in a those 3d picture frames.

However water wise no matter what you put it in it will eventaully evaporate.

If you put plastic wrap over the top, under the lid it will slow the porccess as it will rain back into the container.
Reply:what do you need the sand and the water for? just wash the shells and put them in a display as a souvenir or something.
Reply:As for the water, unless you keep that sealed up it will eventually evaporate. If it is pond, stream or sea water eventually all kinds of micro organism and algae will grow.

If you want to use the sand and shells for a fish tank you must clean and sterilize them thoroughly. Shells will throw off the pH of the water you use so the type of fish or animal you choose will have to be tolerant to that. That info is available at a pet store. The water you use will have to be treated to prevent alge growth as well as fitered and aerated to support any type of pet.

If you choose to make just a dry display there are various options.

1. Depending on how much material you brought home will determine the size of the container. You can use a fish tank and arrange the sand and shells as you like. Also add any other items to spruce it up. You may want to add small cacti or other plants to the display.

2. At the hardware store you can get a 2 part clear poly urethane compound. Mix it according to the directions. Then mix it into your sand until it is of a molding consistancy. Set it out on a flat piece of wood (shape is up to you) then shape the sand mix to a beach shaping or whatever you like. Then set your shells into it and let set 24 to 48 hours. You should have an idea in mind before you start because you have limited time that the mixture is workable. When it is all set you can spray the whole thing with clear poly urethane for a glossy or matte finish. This will be a long lasting finished product. Please be sure to follow all the safety precautions on the chemical products.
Reply:get a fish tank pour the sand at the bottom clear a small area and add your water and then with your shells make it look like the beahc you found it on and personnaly i would get a turtle and add it in there

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