Saturday, January 21, 2012

How do you remove lentil shells?

For our wedding centerpieces we are using red lentils in cowboy boot mugs, but the free lentil's we got are not shelled. Any ideas on how to shell these to make ourt centerpieces look even better would be a help. We have thought that steaming them or boiling them will work but are unsure if this will make them go bad. Any ideas

How do you remove lentil shells?
Use a rolling pin to run over the pods to crack them open, then pour the lentils from a bowl into another large container in front of a box fan. The fan will blow the pod bits away, leaving the lentils. You'll have to experiment with what speed the fan should be set on, and how far away from the fan you need to pour, but that should do it.

Do not cook, steam, or boil the lentils unless you're going to do it the day of the wedding -- they will indeed spoil.

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